A Baby Blessingway

a virtual celebration for our friend, reverendmother, and the much anticipated reverendbaby

Monday, December 19, 2005


My soul waits for the Lord
More than those who watch for the morning
More than those who watch for the morning

Reverend Mother and Rev Baby
I wanted to pray this for you both today

Lord, you have always given
Bread for the coming day
And though I am poor,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always given
Strength for the coming day
And though I am weak,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always given
Peace for the coming day
And though I am of anxious heart,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always given
Me safe in trials
And now tried as I am ,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always marked
The road for the coming day
And though it may be hidden,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always lightened
This darkness of mine
And though the night is here,
Today I believe

Lord, you have always spoken
When the time is ripe
And though You be silent now,
Today I believe
(Celtic Daily Office)

Lord I hold Reverend Mother and RevBaby before you today
I thank you that we - her online circle of friends - can uphold her in prayers

Be with her as she waits
Be with us too as we wait in prayer

When the time is ripe, in the fullness of time according to Your plans and purposes, let us be the prayerful watchguard as these precious women of God travail together to mark the passage of Rev Baby from the womb into the daylight.


  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger sonoftheprodigal said…

    it makes me happy every time I get across blogs about faith and love of and for God. thanks for this site.

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Cotton Wool & Silk said…

    I'm an OLD mother -- actually a revgrandmother -- but your words are very, very real. I remember. . .

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger Cotton Wool & Silk said…

    I'm a revgrandma -- thank you for all your words -- sweet notalgia


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