A Baby Blessingway

a virtual celebration for our friend, reverendmother, and the much anticipated reverendbaby

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The dance of life

A birthday wish for reverendmother and reverendbaby:

May God bless you and the circle of caring friends and family who love and support you. You have already begun this dance of life that you will forever share. You have already become sensitive to each other's movements and emotions; you already communicate in primal, life-giving ways. God bless you as you prepare for that moment when your eyes will meet for the first time and you will say "This is my mother" and "This is my child" Peace be upon you, now and always.

When our first child was born, I was filled with so many emotions and needed to capture them somehow, so I wrote my little boy a letter and sealed it in an envelope. I have done the same on every one of his birthdays and I've done the same for his brother. Each year in the letter I tell them how much I love them, how they have changed and grown and how very proud I am to be their mother.

The boys have never seen the letters, and to be honest, I'm not sure when they will see them. The moment hasn't come yet, but it will come, in God's time.

Blessings to you reverendmother and reverendbaby!!!


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