Family of Four
I have been trying to come up with something profound, something prophetic.
Lacking that I searched for something funny, something with that right mix of giggle and clever.
Still struggling I dabbled in bad poetry and then considered plagiarism.
Here’s what I have got:
RM, I hereby give you permission to ask for help. Sure, other women leave the hospital with their triplets and head right to the gym making a quick stop to act as Discovery Toy consultant at the party they arranged during contractions... or so they would have us think. But you are different. You do not have to prove yourself to ‘them’ or anyone else. Need someone to take C to the playground – ask. Would love it if someone would just stop by with some take-out – ask. Not gonna do those dishes in the sink no way, no how – fine.
C, from one older sister to another, please enjoy teaching your new playmate new words and how to hug… gently. Please skip the lessons on make-up, hair cutting and eating play-dough.
I only know you a little bit but I am sure of this:
You are going to be a GREAT big sister.
To all: Enjoy the moment. It is usually easier said than done (enjoy 2am screamfests, are you kidding me?) but we all now how relatively fast these times pass us by.
May you know the presence of God during this most Holy of times.
Will Smama
Lacking that I searched for something funny, something with that right mix of giggle and clever.
Still struggling I dabbled in bad poetry and then considered plagiarism.
Here’s what I have got:
RM, I hereby give you permission to ask for help. Sure, other women leave the hospital with their triplets and head right to the gym making a quick stop to act as Discovery Toy consultant at the party they arranged during contractions... or so they would have us think. But you are different. You do not have to prove yourself to ‘them’ or anyone else. Need someone to take C to the playground – ask. Would love it if someone would just stop by with some take-out – ask. Not gonna do those dishes in the sink no way, no how – fine.
C, from one older sister to another, please enjoy teaching your new playmate new words and how to hug… gently. Please skip the lessons on make-up, hair cutting and eating play-dough.
I only know you a little bit but I am sure of this:
You are going to be a GREAT big sister.
To all: Enjoy the moment. It is usually easier said than done (enjoy 2am screamfests, are you kidding me?) but we all now how relatively fast these times pass us by.
May you know the presence of God during this most Holy of times.
Will Smama
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