A Baby Blessingway

a virtual celebration for our friend, reverendmother, and the much anticipated reverendbaby

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Before scrolling down or otherwise reading this post, be sure to select and write down one of each of the following:

an adjective
a Saint's name
a place
a number
a noun
a verb

[Ok, did you finish? Don't cheat. You'll need your selected words to finish the post. Ok, ready????? …. Here goes….]

The revgalblogpals and assorted others are ____________ (adjective) to announce the arrival of their newest member, reverendbaby ________________(Saint's Name). The reverendbaby was born in ______________________ (place) and weighs approximately ___________ (number) pounds. Mother, baby and ________________ (noun) are doing well. Revgalblogpals across the globe __________ (verb) thanks for the arrival of the reverendbaby and share our love across the blogosphere!

Blessings on the baby!
Blessings on your journey!
Blessings on you our own dear reverendmother!

Susan Rose


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