A Baby Blessingway

a virtual celebration for our friend, reverendmother, and the much anticipated reverendbaby

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A blessing for reverendbaby

There are times when the miles don't matter, but I suspect that when we hear of your arrival that cold, wide Atlantic ocean will feel way too big. I'll long to meet you and cuddle you, and tell your mummy what a star she is, and how privileged I feel to have been a spectator of your journey together towards your birth...I'll be sad that I can't really see you in all your newborn perfection, and that these blessings can only be delivered via the internet.
When my last baby was born 13 years ago, our family didn't even own a computer ... now each member has their own, and I've made so many friends I'll probably never meet in person. I wonder what changes there will be by the time you are a teenager, little one!
Whatever changes come, though, you'll know yourself loved by two very special parents, and wrapped round by the prayers of lots of friends in many lands.

This is the prayer I would say, were I able to hold you myself It's written by Kate McIlhagga, who was part of the Iona Community, off the shore of Scotland,- so nearer to my home than to yours...
Enjoy the feeling of being held safely in your mummy's arms, while beyond them, God holds both of you.

As she cups her hand
around your head
little one
may God hold and keep you.

As she rocks you
in her arms
little one
may Christ shield you
and encompass you.

As she bends to kiss your cheek
little one
may the Spirit bless you
and encourage you.


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